What if your Data Mine turns out to be a Goldmine ?

You have collected lots of data in the past, really lots and lots. You also invested in storage because somehow all this data contains value. Some of your data has been stored in the cloud too since storage becomes cheaper every day. Because your data has potential.

Suddenly your Data mine turns out to be a Goldmine.


Where is the gold ?

All the Terabytes of data you have piled up have formed a mountain. And you can start digging for gold now. Since you have found the way to gain value from your data. And it is your own gold which you created yourself.

The way to dig gold from your data mine is known:

  1. You have to organize your data to transform it into meaningfull information.
  2. You have to understand your information so that you grow your knowledge.
  3. And now that you know you can decide what is the best thing to do next.

Is this for real ?

Consider your accounting. Your profit and loss account organises your financial data. By understanding the figures you know your financial status. Normally, it does not take much long to decide what to do next.

How to make even more gold?

  • Complete missing data
  • Combine your data with (free) data from other sources
  • Gain even more insights by understanding so that you know what to do next.

Data Governance helps you organize your data mine. This website helps you to find out how. And you can participate in further research in Data Governance adding more value to your data. For example with infonomics.

Do you like to know how to dig for gold in your data mine?

Data Governance Advisory : GDPR / AVG


Source: DIKW model